Published and unpublished -- recent and older |
This site contains a book-length opus -- a monograph on the motivations of Leftists -- followed by some shorter generally related articles. The monograph is published on the net only but an earlier edited book saw paper publication. The earlier book too is available here
Monograph on Leftism
An abridged version of the monograph
Conservatism/Rightism: An historical approach
Political Psychology
History vs. Psychology in explaining Leftism/Rightism
Leftism in the churches
Leftism and eugenics
How Hitler did it
Mussolini's Fascism as a precursor of modern Leftism
See also here for a much fuller list.
(Note: "Backup" sites below are also viewable in China, unlike the primary sites)
John Ray's "Tongue Tied" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Dissecting Leftism" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Obama Watch" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Dissecting Leftism" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Australian Politics" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Gun Watch" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Education Watch International" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Socialized Medicine" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Political Correctness Watch" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Greenie Watch" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Food & Health Skeptic" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Eye on Britain" blog (Backup here)
John Ray's "Immigration Watch International" blog. (Backup here).
John Ray's "Leftists as Elitists" blog (Not now regularly updated -- Backup here or here)
John Ray's "Marx & Engels in their own words" blog (Not now regularly updated -- Backup here or here)
John Ray's "A scripture blog" (Not now regularly updated -- Backup here or here)
John Ray's recipe blog (Not now regularly updated -- Backup here)
John Ray's "Some memoirs" (Occasionally updated -- Backup here)
John Ray's "Paralipmoena" (Irregularly updated. Not backed up)
There are also two blogspot blogs which record what I think are my main recent articles here and here. Similar content can be more conveniently accessed via my list of short articles here or here (I rarely write long articles these days)
Also see:
John Ray's old "Dissecting Leftism" site
John Ray's blog supplement (1)
John Ray's blog supplement (2)
Archive of "Dissecting Leftism"
Archive of "PC Watch"
Archive of "Greenie Watch"
Archive of "Education Watch"
Archive of "Socialized Medicine"
Archive of "Gun Watch"
Archive of "Tongue Tied"
Archive of "Food & Health Skeptic"
Archive of "Australian Politics"
John Ray's basic Home Page (with pictures!)
John Ray's personal list of interesting links
I have also posted on this site a number of duplicate copies of files from elsewhere on the internet. I have done so in case they cease to be available elsewhere. Obviously, I think they are of sufficient interest to remain available even though they may originally have been only newspaper articles and the like. Note that my posting of them does not necessarily mean that I agree with them. Quite the opposite in some cases.
I list them hereunder:
Banned Books Week 1997: A Case of Misrepresentation. by Steve McKinzie
Not in your name, indeed. By Barry York
Fascism Anyone? -- By Laurence W. Britt
Book review by Hunt Tooley of "The faces of Janus: Marxism and Fascism in the 20th century" by A.J. Gregor
Green Nazis. By Andrew Bolt
'Asian Brown Cloud' poses global threat.
Conspiracies so vast. By Darrin M. McMahon
Partners in Hate: Noam Chomsky and the Holocaust Deniers. by Werner Cohn
Grand Designs. By Corey Robin
Mobbed Up. by Cass R. Sunstein
Mussolini tried to undercut Hitler, historian says
Feltrinelli. By Robert Fulford
Book Review: The Lost Literature of Socialism by George Watson. Review by Antony Flew
Moral Philosophy Meets Social Psychology. By Gilbert Harman
Why are we so ashamed of our glorious past? By Peter Hitchens
Bush-haters do Kerry no favors. By Jeff Jacoby
The modest giant. By Jeff Jacoby
Left Everlasting. By Michael Kelly
"Calling a spade a spade" controversy
A Nation of Happy People -- Gallup poll
Britain's Stonehenge king may be Swiss. By: Jason Hopps
Australian Anti-War Rally Turns Violent. By Kevin Willmann
Senator faces vilification trial. By Anne Calverley
Moran: War, Politics and Inevitability. By David Harrison
Notes on Nationalism. By George Orwell
Maggie Sanger and the Human Weeds. By Shawn Macomber
Race only skin deep. By Katherine Corcoran
Nicotine fix. By Apoorva Mandavilli
The Australian Temperament Project
Toronto Christmas
Gandhi the racist
Clinical Psychology: Another Totalitarianism of the Left?
If only the seats of power carried more backsides like this. By Alan Ramsey
Comparing refugees and non-refugees: The Bosnian experience -- by Nigel Hunt and Maha Gekenyi
Researchers help define what makes a political conservative. By Kathleen Maclay
Understanding Fascism and anti-Semitism. By Geoff Price
Ideological Intransigence, Democratic Centralism and Cultism: A Case Study -- by Dennis Tourish
Why I changed my party registration today. By Evan Sayet
Michael Moore documentary "a lie". By Andrew Bolt
How Nazis went to war in Australia. By David English
Article about John Ray in "Pol" magazine of 1975
Goodbye, All That: How Left Idiocies Drove Me to Flee. By Ron Rosenbaum
A Nazi poster on eBay
Captain Clueless (1)
Captain Clueless (2)
Researchers help define what makes a political conservative -- Berkeley press release
Mark Latham: A stranger unto himself. By Christopher Pearson
Herbert Hoover as a great humanitarian hero. By Paul Reynolds
Nazis "meant well" -- Mehlman on the Puffington Host
Gallup poll on happiness
U.S. Presidential exit poll, year 2000
U.S. Presidential exit poll, year 2004
Australian media bias in the 70s -- by John Henningham
"New York money people" -- by Wesley Clark on the Puffington Host
Fake global warming statistics in the "Sunday Times" -- by Jonathan Leake
Hitler the smoker
Hitler the father figure
Hitler's peace-talk
Rethinking the White Australia Policy -- by Andrew Fraser
No, it's not your money -- By Christopher Sheil
Italian Futurism -- Richard Owen
There are in fact eight types of article stored on this site: Backups (as immediately above); my published academic papers; my unpublished academic papers; my recent internet-only articles; my short internet-only articles; Older academic articles written by others and previously unpublished articles by others.
Very often in my writings, I link back to previous articles of mine as a way of making available a more detailed treatment of a given subject. It's a pervasive academic practice. At times, however, the link concerned will cease to work after a while -- usually for reasons beyond my control. In such cases the article concerned is still available -- but at a different address. To find the article, putting one of the following in front of the filename will generally recover the article concerned:
For example, you might be trying to access articles as follows:
Neither article is now available at those addresses but you can find other versions as follows:
"Dead" links are a besetting problem on the net but "difficulties exist to be overcome"! Who said that? I think it is usually attributed to Maria Montessori but Hitler had his own predictably aggressive version of it too: "Widerstaende sind nicht da, dass man vor ihnen kapituliert, sondern dass man sie bricht". Breaking things won't work in this instance, though. The Wayback Machine is also a good way of recovering "lost" files.